Thursday, October 18, 2007

Love Pink

On Sunday is the annual Breast Cancer walk. Every year I usuually walk down where i live, in New Jersey. This year i am still walking but just up here in Staten Island. My best friend, Andrea, lost her mother 6 years ago to the horrible disease of breast cancer. It spreads through your lymphnodes, which are located under the armpit creating more and more cancer cells. Her mothers fought breast cancer for 5 years and lost her sister during the process as well. She was diagnosed along with her mother, and two sisters. Her and her sister passes away, while her other sister and mother survived and battled breast cancer. I walk to honor Andrea's mother Mary, and her sister who passed. Even though i may not have been there while they were battling their disease i fight in honor for them and the thousands out there who are infected or lost their lives. So this Sunday, come out, wear pink and support those lost and loved with breast cancer<3

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